Shortcuts for Adobe Premiere Pro

A computer mouse is, of course, good, but using hot keys is necessary to save time and simplify your work.
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A computer mouse is, of course, good, but using hot keys is necessary to save time and simplify your work. Firstly, it'll be difficult to get used to it, but over time you'll automatically remember their location and their purpose. There are a lot of hot keys, and here we've collected the most useful and important keys:

1) The Shuttle keys (J, K, L). By pressing "L", Adobe Premiere Pro will start playing your frames. During playback, each additional press of the "L" key increases the playback speed of your media sources. It'll help you view your material faster. Similarly, the "K" key stops playback, and the "J" key reduces the speed.

2) Save your project (Ctrl + S on PC, Alt + S on Mac). Before you do anything else, SAVE YOUR WORK! It causes not the most pleasant emotions when your project suddenly goes nowhere because you haven't saved it.

3) Zoom In and Zoom Out (- and +). Instead of moving the cursor and dragging the slider to zoom in and out, you can simply press the "+" key to zoom in and the "- " key to zoom out within any monitor that you've highlighted.

4) Match Frame (F). Quickly finding the original frames from the clip on your timeline can be difficult. What could be even worse is to find the exact place of the frames from this original clip. By pressing the "F" key, you'll be able to find exact frame in which your playhead is on your source monitor.

5) Export Media (Ctrl + M). You've made your video and you're ready to export it. How to do it? You can use the mouse and go to the menu "File" > "Export"> "Media" or just press Ctrl+M.
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